
By CreativeCarol

The Precious Gift of Family

My Mom (87 years old) and my Dad (almost 90!) stopped in this afternoon for a surprise visit and they brought me a gift. I was not sure what the occasion was since my birthday is not until January. My sweet Mother remembered me saying that I needed a small desk lamp for my scrapbooking table. I have been meaning to buy one for seven years. I guess I just was waiting for this gift! But the most precious gift to me was the love and thought that was behind this gift.

Moira was quite thrilled by their visit. She calls them MeMe and Pappy. They were a bit worn out after an hour of her climbing on their lap, playing ball, doing puzzles and reading books to her. Moira was talking up a storm and making my parents laugh while I was taking their picture! It is wonderful to have Family!

This is my contribution for "Gift" on the September Heartfreek Challenge. Thank you all so kindly for your stars and comments on my Wet Dog yesterday!

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