Another Spider!!!

Hi everyone!

Another spider in my house today! My dad sorted it pretty quickly, so it's fine now - I hate those things -_-

School was really good today! Well, apart from the fire drill where we had to stand outside in the freezing cold for 20 minutes. Craig stole my blazer. It was so cold....

During the time when I was helping the S1 class, I got called out to go and see my guidance teacher for about 15 minutes. When I was finished and walked back into the class, they all cheered! I tell you, I really like that class - they're all really nice to me, and they seem to like me a lot! :)

The bus journey home was good to - I had a group discussions with a couple of my friends and some of the first years, one of which is also into photography - and his pictures are pretty amazing!

The rest of the day was ok. I went to my Nana's, and saw my friends who live next door to them. I went into the bathroom and locked the door, then a few seconds later, the handle moved up and down a couple of times. Thinking it was Craig or something, I shouted "Occupied!" I finished up, then opened the door - and there was no one there.

I crept downstairs to where everyone was, and said whoever needed to use the bathroom could go now. They all looked at each other, confused. Nobody had been upstairs. I sort of had a mini-freak out, and I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight.... (They all think I'm joking, but I'm not - it's genuinely scared me!)

Have a good weekend!

Steven :)

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