Bloody Women

I got a message from my sister this morning to say that my uncle was arriving from Australia today and she was taking him to see Dad about 3pm.

So I canceled my plans to go out for the day with SWMBO and my daughter.

I arrived at the appointed hour and found Dad is pretty good form.

No sign of sister

So I called and asked where she was...........
At home!!!!
Our uncle was arriving today - but it is tomorrow that he is going to see Dad.

Did she not put that bit in the message?

So my day ruined and she found it funny
Tomorrow evenings plans will probably be out the window now as well.

Ha feckin Ha.

Todays blip is the item I bought from the silversmith on Monday and the back of which I showed on Tuesday.
It is niobium set in silver.
The colours are made by passing electric current through the metal - a different current for each colour.
Sounds easy, but the whole thing changes colour so it means that you start at the highest current and then etch off all the colour where you don't want it. then a lower current and take off everything not required again and keep going until your picture is complete.

I now have 4 of these and mount them in small frames and hang them on the wall.

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