A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Unexpected queen

James has bought Star Wars Chess to play out here - he beat me the other day (because I underestimated my opponent!). However, it was difficult to play, because on the side of the Empire, I was quite amused by which piece was the Queen.

Darth Vadar.

Makes me laugh even now.

It has been a bit of a none day today - had to take a sleeping tablet last night to get to sleep, after having very little sleep on Friday night due to an unexpected attack of insomnia.

We had a lovely evening last night - barbeque with some friends - but it was kind of soured when one of the guests decided to verbally attack me about the teaching profession and schools in general. You know you're in trouble when every other sentence begins with "I'm not having a go at you..." or "I know you can't answer my questions...." and I went into professional mode, as I do when dealing with a stroppy parent at work - maintained my composure, remained calm, didn't antagonise, answered the questions, but sadly my answers were not listened too. By the time we went to bed, my neck was so tight I thought my muscles were going to snap and my head was absolutely and utterly pounding. I explained to Corin that the behaviour he had seen was pretty common place in my day to day job at work. He seemed a little sad that was the case - he's never seen that before. And I think he was restraining himself from leaning across and planting a fist.

So, slept late as a result of headache and sleeping tablet, been groggy all afternoon and headache is still lingering.

Small minds quite often do the most damage to those of us who least deserve it.

night all.

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