The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Sussex in September

I thought as Autumn progresses, and throughout Winter I will need to increase my repertoire of photographic subjects, so from now on along with the macros, Family portraits and occasional landscape be prepared to be dazzled by some architecture, my favourite things and scenes from around my area.
Today's Blip was taken from one of my favourite locations close to where I live. This is the 'Grouse road', a typical Sussex country lane leading from just outside Pease Pottage right through the outskirts of Colgate and Roffey and into Horsham on the far eastern side, linking up with 'Hammer pond road' which runs through St Leonard's forest crossing several of the hammer ponds for which Horsham and the surrounding area is famous.
I love this view, looking across the newly harvested fields towards the brick red, tile hung farmhouse (Very Sussex as you will see). The Oak trees on the left of the picture line the lane, as is common in these parts.
I especially love the subtle colours of the fields in this picture, sadly the sky is 'burned out' but I had to expose for the foreground.
I hope you will enjoy my tour round my area in the weeks to come :-)

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