
By fennerpearson

A better future

Izzy rang today to ask if she could stay over tonight, which was a lovely surprise. She's off to university at the end of the month, so getting some time together with her is a wonderful bonus.

Apart from the farmer out of Moo Man, I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone work as hard as Izzy has over the last two years, not just academically - in which sphere she worked her socks off - but also as Deputy Head Girl and in her Saturday job. (She plays hard, too.)

I don't want to suggest that she's been unhappy, this summer, working and seeing her friends, but I know she's looking forward to getting away, to starting a new adventure. And I think that's good, to look forwards.

You see a lot of cod philosophy about living in the moment, not the past or the future, and that's absolutely fine if you're completely happy. But if there are some things that aren't right, then I think it's entirely possible - and perhaps even better - to enjoy the present whilst looking towards a better future.

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