Open Doors..

I remembered as I was passing that Sauchie Tower was "open doors" all this weekend, so popped in for a guided tour of this lovely old structure I so frequently blip.

It needs some work inside, but looks like the Clackmannan Heritage Trust are getting a grant to start getting it into a fit enough state to become a holiday let, which, in turn, should self-finance the continuing restoration. I look forward to seeing it come together.

Also today, bought a new TV. Our 3 tonne humfy old thing finally stopped working (hooray!!) and gave us the excuse to take the plunge and buy a sooper dooper HD set. We'll be cancelling Sky (hooray!!) to pay for it, but can hook into internet TV and catchup services anyway, so who needs 900 channels when the only decent ones are on Freeview anyway?

First program we watched was last night's Eastenders on BBC Iplayer in HD via the wireless broadband connection integrated into the TV. How amazing is that! Stunning quality and not a flicker of the jerkiness I was expecting. To think, I grew up with 3 channels that went off air between midnight and 7am.

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