
Self portrait.

Carrying some weight, but right now, not bothered really.
What is important is
a. I am not in pain 24 hours a day
b. When I am in pain, it is not as extreme as it was and it eases quite quickly
c. I smile more than I frown
d. I have some energy and want to do things
e. I am happy again, most of the time.

I still have a short fuse over certain things. I need to shift the stone in weight that I have gained from sitting on my backside for 4 months after the surgery. I still need to learn how to sleep properly. Hebs has not fully returned and some days are still not good. I am not sure that complete resolution to my problems will ever be achieved. But its better, so much better, and I can function, I can work, I can do the shopping, cook meals, clean the house, go out for a walk and basic just do the things that everyone takes for granted but that I just couldn't do.

So, all in all, life is pretty good and it's getting better day by day.

Everything else is small fry in comparison to getting somewhere near normal.

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