Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Talk to the hand cos the face ain't listening

For the first time since joining blip, I really felt like I couldn't be bothered to take a photo today. I've been short of ideas before now as evidenced by some of my rubbish emergency blips but until now, I've never been short of enthusiasm. Just generally demotivated by recent events I guess.

On a brighter note, I went car shopping yesterday and ended up buying a new (to me) motor. It is another people carrier but an occasional 7 seater as opposed to a proper 7 seater as we have now. Something of a compromise as Diana wanted like for like. Should pick it up on the weekend. Quite looking forward to it. Reason for the change is simple - I am giving the current car to Matthew. He needs something bigger than his Corsa and is in no position to buy something for himself. I hope he remembers these good deeds when I am old and double incontinent and need looking after :-)

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