
By Stace91

Tetris Anyone?

A very quick blip from me today as I am KNNNAACCKKERRRREEDD!!

This was taken as I was sitting and waiting for the visitors hours to commence. I can't help but play the Tetris song in my head when I see this wall of randomly place coloured tiles.

A good morning, nan was doing alright for a Monday. Spirits weren't as high but we all have good and bad days...

Another great rehearsal tonight! Getting excited but am also really nervous! And now with an injured knee it is going to be interesting to see how I pull off these dance routines.

I think it is time for me to go to Sleepville, I hope you are all well. I also want to thank everyone for the stars, hearts, favs and comments on my 200th blip yesterday!! I love you all. Once everything dies down with the production I will be able to venture out and blip more interesting things. In my defence though, it does say "save your life" and at the moment my life is hospital trips and rehearsal.. Sorry guys!!


Just for fun Tetris!!

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