
By Stace91

Fish Go Blub!

Hello Blippers!!

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, life has pretty much been split between hospital visits and rehearsals. There are only so many pictures of ducks and plants I can take before it becomes ridiculously boring!!!

I am staying at Nan's house tonight and keeping my brother company. He is going to come with me to the hospital tomorrow. This is one of the whacky things I found around her house. I'm not sure how I feel about it, the odd look on its face makes me laugh though. That very confused, slightly out of this world in a trance gaze... Draws you in or creeps you out.

When I saw this I couldn't help but think of the below song... I apologise in advance. It is a real song, someone actually backed it. HILARIOUS!!!

Enjoy :-)

Fish Go Blub But What Does The Fox Say?

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