
By Houseonahill6

Bring me sunshine

We had a beautiful day up here until the schools came at at 3.15 and then the heavens opened. I was thinking I may need to water tonight as everything was dry again but may just need to do the hanging baskets.
We still have a baby goldfinch being fed by an adult and making a tweeting noise and flapping it's wings.
Pictured here is one of the greenfinches who is now totally independent. They really enjoy the sunflower seeds.
Less butterflies today but still some peacocks around.

David has his first day at college, well he started at 4.30 and finishes at 6.30pm. He had to take in several things that are personal to him. He took his X box controller, I pod and bike helmet. If I had to do the same I would have taken my Camera (of course), gardening gloves, my tea mug and a stone from the beach. What would you have taken ?

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