Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

And im feeling good!

Did some more step by step felting stuff today then went into work to be greeted by 12 girls all running up to me arms out shouting my name.
Bless the girls from my last group miss me!
We chatted and talked about their summers. I told them i will still be there for them even though im not their tutor this year. They even asked me what my timetable was to see when they will be there at the same time!
My new groups have a lot to live up to!
Stayed for an advice evening and saw the lovely sunset on the way home.
This was taken from my bedroom window. Some black clouds ahead, its going to get colder i think.

tonight i have a good feeling that i can do my job and also turn my craft side line into something more. :) ...fingers crossed...

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