LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

Morning run

I'm now working on trying to run a slower training pace, while still keeping the cadence up at 90, and concentrating on running form too. It's a struggle to slow down, for a girl with a No-Pain-No-Gain belief in her bloodstream.

But it's a bit easier to do all that mental/physical stuff when running on a hard surface, rather than sand, so I drove along to Seacliff and ran along the road by the beach this morning. (This is taken from the road. There are people with houses who can look out of their living room at this. Imagine.)

Everything's quieter - it's officially past the end of summer, schools are back (hooray!) and this part of the beach is generally emptier anyway.

Nice running pace + blue sky + empty space = happy.

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