LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010


From the sublime (yesterday morning) to the ridiculous (yesterday evening).

I'm cheating here. I think Friday must have been one long working day, followed by dinner and wine slumped in front of the tv. I know R had B here for a sleepover, but the rest of the day is a blur. Nothing of note.

So, this is where yesterday ended up, after starting on the empty beach.

Ikea fun in the heatwave over in the valley. Another table, so J and I can have a space each. So far, he hasn't been in the office space, at the table next to me, at the same time as me. Luckily. I never heard (and felt) anyone type so hard.

He says it's because he learned to type on a manual typewriter. More likely he has some ancestral memory of chipping away at cup and ring markings.

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