The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A fox or a fox or a fox ...

I have barely been out of the house today and feel like I'm suffering from cabin fever.

Mum is talking such utter cobblers in between more sensible moments.

'They' say you should go along with the delusions of people with dementia - and I am more than happy to go along with her claim that she ran and jumped in the Olympics last year ...

But I cannot go along with tales of people in the gloom below the house and of the man at the care home putting purple crinkly lights in her room, which dripped stuff on her head, or the need to hang plastic bags on the bannisters before going up and down stairs ..

All that aside - I have literally taken no photos today, except of garden foxes.

This is little Princess fox, grooming Scaredy dad fox ..

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