bee poised...

...with wings like stained glass

hovering over the flower

it seems as though - this time of year - bees are tending to get a bit more sluggish - the time for them to be finished with harvesting is coming to a close - they are winding down - and so - as they continue to hover with an almost frenetic desire to get as much pollen as they can - they also appear to be weighed down - thus causing me the ability to come ever closer - to their glorious little bodies - stare with wonder at that fuzziness - the intricacies of every nuance they were built with - those wings - iridesence personified - see how it glistens under the sun light - how filaments on the wings have been formed - causing it to be like stained glass window frames - such wonderous creation - amazing beauty - which inevitably leads to...


happy day.....

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