Another Day Another Car Park

I thought I'd Blip another car park stairwell! This wasn't as colourful as the other one but on the plus side it didn't smell anywhere nearly as awful!
I had a very productive day at home after I dropped the Little Misses off at school. I got loads of cleaning and tidying done and I can see a glimmer of light at the end of the chaos tunnel!
It was gymnastics for Miss E after school.
I thought it would be a good idea to pop into Banbury while she was there. I needed to go to the phone shop and I thought forty-five minutes should be enough.....
It was possibly the most stressful forty five minutes of my life!!
I got in and parked, did the phone stuff, got back to the car - and was pleased to discover that as I'd been in and out in only ten minutes I didn't have to pay for the multi-storey. I love it when you get lovely surprises like that. Even though it was only a saving of £1!!
On the way out of the car park I noticed that the petrol gauge had gone to 0 miles left. Oops!! It had been 13 on the way in so I thought it'd be OK!
I was stuck in stop-start traffic all the way to the petrol station, pouring rain, busy roads. I had visions of breaking down in the middle of a roundabout on a dual carriageway! Hideous!
I made it to the garage but couldn't get near a pump because there were HGV's seemingly practising three point turns for no reason in the tightest, most awkward spaces imaginable. Everyone was reversing, there was no room to reverse, beeping reverse sensors, poor visibility in the rain, time ticking away......
When I managed to get to a pump the man whose car I was waiting behind just stood there faffing once he'd finished. And then he got in the car and faffed a bit more.
After a few weeks at not shouting at the Little Misses I gave in to the temptation and shouted a teeny little bit. In the safety and privacy of my own car.
I asked what the **** he was doing on earth could possibly be holding him up and could he hurry the **** up please move a little bit faster.
At the top of my voice.
It felt good!!
Hee hee!
I eventually filled up and sped back to gymnastics with three minutes to spare.
This morning, as I drove past Tescos I debated filling up. When will I learn that leaving it is not a good plan?
It's a stupid, stressful and needlessly traumatic plan!!!

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