Jassy on Scooby

This was quite an amusing exercise. Jo and I are making a half hearted attempt to train Jassy to ride on the bike with me. Lots of farmers train their Kelpies to jump on the bike with them when they want to move around the property.

For Jassy it isn't so easy. She first has to overcome her fear of the bike, or scooter in this case. So I sit on the bike without the engine running and Jo picks her up and puts her on my lap. Jassy then sits there obediently and waits for the ordeal to be over.

I don't want to ride on the road with Jassy on the bike. I suspect that might be illegal anyway. However, when we head up to Ken's property in Stanthorpe this weekend we will have a go att raining her on the trail bike. This is more about teaching Jassy to overcome her fears than wanting her to ride the bike.

It was amusing though. Actually me sitting on the bike in my cardigan and slippers is not the prettiest sight now that I think about it.

We had a public holiday here in Brisbane today. It is really wierd having a day off mid-week. It's like a Saturday without a Sunday. Not that I am complaining. We walked up to our friends Ross and Trix for a lunchtime BBQ. I drank a fair amount of Ross's homebrew. When I got home I had a late afternoon kip.

Now to make a curry for dinner.

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