
By TexMama

The Intimidator

Lovely day today. We had a birthday boy among us so we had Happy Meals at the duck pond for lunch...where we were followed, mobbed and thoroughly intimidated by goosey and his/her gang :0). But we braved the feathered gangsters and after we ate, took a pleasant walk around the pond...sweet girl managed to get some cool seeds from the pond plants, without falling in.
Home again to make cupcakes and decorate, little man fussed over the table arranging the leftover Christmas crackers which he saved for his birthday :0) and we hung up our brightly colored bunting ... It was all very nice.
Then singing and candles and cake...followed by presents.
Off to church with more cupcakes for all the kids, more singing from his friends who sang so loud we could hear them from the other room and finally back home.
I am thoroughly exhausted from my birthday child who kept me up 'til midnight last night so he could see his birthday in, and then has been a tornado of excited energy all day...and is still awake at 11:24pm!

Happy Birthday little man - now go to sleep! ;0)

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