Finding Nemo 1

After a late night there was an early start as the bus collected us at 8.15am to drive us to the port. A quick stop at the snorkelling centre to pick up our gear and then we boarded “Christina” for a VIP cruise for a day.

We sailed for about 45mins to arrive in the Ras Mohammed National Park. T he park marks the transition of the Gulf of Suez to the deep Gulf of Aqaba, a small portion of the Grift valley that stretches deep into Africa. The broad, terraced coral reefs are home to over a thousand species of fish.

We had two 45 min snorkelling stops before lunch, led by three guides. The current was strong and I struggled during the first one with a defective mask that made me feel as though I was drowning. A change of mask for the second one sorted that out!

A BBQ lunch on the boat followed, which was a super meal, far better than the hotel! We then sailed nearly back to the port before stopping for our final, and by far the best, snorkelling trip. Over the three we saw an amazing number of species of fish and even caught sight of two stingray. Unfortunately I didn’t find Nemo, maybe next time! A wonderful experience and I couldn’t sum it up with just one picture! I have another trip like this booked for next week, to Tiran Island.

Big Adventure Day 99 – Ras Mohammed
Photos 182/11,529

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