Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude


Long day at work today. Spent all morning coordinating the final phases of an urgent Chinese-language project between London, Bratislava, Manila, and Shanghai. Numerous obstacles, but a dedicated and hard-working team pulled it off and the folks in charge seem pleased. Then had a few things to take care of mid-day including a meeting with a visiting colleague from Köln, before a tough pow-wow with colleagues in the US via conference call.

All in all, a fair amount accomplished but it is clear this job will never be 9-5 or limited to 40 hours per week. Next Wednesday I'm heading to the UK to launch a task force on an initiative I pitched last week.

Tonight was nice at home, though. The weather was beautiful when I got off and so hubby and I headed right down to the river for a long walk. I desperately needed the fresh air and exercise. Took many nice photos of the sun setting over the Ruhr - but I've blipped that so many times. So I'm opting now for these grotesque little guys that I discovered glaring at down at me from the eaves of one of the old houses we passed en route. I love the artistic detail prevalent in so much European architecture. Hope I don't give anyone nightmares with these. Think of them as your own loving guard dogs and they're not so scary :)

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