Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Wordless Wednesday


First, a moment of pause in memory of the tragic events in my home 12 years ago. Such a devastating day, that has left very deep scars on both the American landscape and the hearts of millions of Americans.

Today I recognize and am thankful for how blessed I am, that I can wake up and carry out my morning routine- cooking veggies for breakfast and kissing my children goodbye and heading off to work without worry. The days of living in fear are long behind me. Certainly at this time in 2001, my world was turned upside down as cities near and dear to me (New York, where I was born and raised and Washington DC, the area where I lived at the time) suffered unimaginable attacks.

There are people around the world who continue to live in mortal fear daily - surviving in war zones... dodging bombs and stepping through mine fields. For those people, for us as a global society, I hope for peace and resolve to do whatever I can to extend compassion and promote peace.

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