From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

The 3 stoogies....

Came to visit!!

Pidge looked glowingly gorgeous, DDLC was looking as glamouraaasssss as ever and even that withers lady made an effort!!! so as they all looked so lovely I took them across the field to meet the new piggies. Withers was quite taken with penny who almost was named pidge but the boys wouldn't let me!! she picked her up and little penny squealed with shock with pleasure, it was a match made in heaven!!

Then headed over to the old train cab we have, I know everyone of you wants a train cab, don't you, long story but basically Glenn's passion is trains, when we were first together he wanted to save a loco, we couldn't afford to save it all so we saved the cab, this is where his story begins of his business, so when he told me he wanted to bring the old train cab home how could I say no, so it sits there waiting for some TLC when he has a moment. In the mean time the girls and others always love exploring it!!!

So after this we went and had some lunch where I force fed them cake and cheese and other bits and bobs!! Then told them they had to leave as I had to go work!!!

I love these lot, blip is such a fab community and I wouldn't have met them otherwise!! Right enough only one sentence of soppiness allowed!!!

:)) xx

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