Look up, look out

I've felt tired all week and other than biking to and from work haven't indulged in any additional exercise.

It's easy to let your head drop and miss what's around you. But I looked up and out while changing my linen this evening.

More glorious

Dad took Mum out from the hospice today for their usual coffee meeting. That morphed into an impromptu picnic of subway at the beach, followed by a little time at home. Mum caught up on blip and enjoyed a few things at home before returning to the hospice. How pleased I am they've had a good day together.

Mum is an avid fan of all yacht racing on offer and is able to continue following watching us demolish Oracle in the America's Cup. Perhaps an important lesson for Oracle; money can't buy you everything Larry.

Dad and I have chatted tonight. I inadvertently diced with electricity tonight. "Gosh" I said (or words to that effect ;-) when things went a little wrong in the kitchen. I'll be off to Mitre 10 tomorrow and then sitting down to do a little electrical repair.

I was reminded of the hunter's remark after the big storm this week where he emerged with little damage and all escaped and terrified dogs intact. "Someone is looking after me" he said.

I couldn't agree more and the same goes for me tonight.

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