Wet, Wet, Wet.

I have unilaterally designated today, Friday 13th, Edinburgh Umbrella Day as a very wetting Scottish rain descended on our fair city this morning, turning the streets into a sea of coloured brollies and waterproofed inhabitants, and obliterating any hilly landmarks.

The front window of the no 35 bus where HL and I sat at the pole position on the top deck, was akin to a fishmonger's with its constant screen of running water distorting people and objects as we rattled our way down to the shore and Tiso's, a shop which for the moment has superseded our favourite cycle shop, and not just for their in-house cafe .

The challenge of taking a photo through the veil of water while the bus lurched and bumped over cobbles and potholes was considerable, but I rather liked this one of an umbrella outside a wet Scottish Parliament.

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