Planes, trains and Ozzymobiles!

Ozzy got to join in with playtime today with Jamie and his friend.

He was a little naughty with jumping on the boys, when they were on the floor playing with their train track, and play biting them. But the boys soon learned just to stand up and encourage him to play with his own toys.
(poor Caleb got a little scratch just under his eye, but he has a puppy himself, a ridgeback, so he's used to puppy behaviour!)

Apart from that, very good behaviour from our new little family member and another good night last night.

Flynn is standing his ground, but Ozzy is really annoying him everytime he walks somewhere, by jumping up at his face. Flynn just barks just now.....not at him .....but just barks as if to say to us 'get him away!' But I think he may have to put him in his place at some point to show who's boss!!

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