Double Shot Mummy


Bye bye Aunty KP

11 and a half hours into your flight and only 6 to go! We hope the flight is good to you. Here is the mandatory 'farewell' picture. Oscar and Bailee are totally confused about goodbyes and when they will see people next.... they have had to say a lot of goodbyes in recent times and I can understand how puzzling it must be. Yesterday KP went for a massage and Bailee asked me if her aunty had gone "Far away to New Zealand". Today she told Aunty she was horrid for going away ;-( At least KP feels loved!

Maple and I drove my sister to the airport and Stu stayed home with the twins. Goodbyes are always sad but for some reason (Maybe my recent Reiki session), I have handled the last two tear free! Unheard of! We are now dreaming about a Sri Lanken holiday together sometime within the year. Thanks Kristin for coming and helping out so much, it was awesome and we love you.

Maple did 11 steps for Stu today. I think she will be a real toddler (15 steps) within the next two days. She sure deserves her badge as she has recently been giving away the cheesiest, cheekiest smiles. Bailee seems to be finally getting on with her, playing with her and making her laugh! I think this is the only time all three have been going through a 'lovely stage' in unison! I remember this age with Oscar and Bailee too and it was bliss. Happy, reflux-free babies.

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