Jake's 12th Birthday xxx
Back blipping.....
Jake's 12th birthday today and I didn't get a photo of him :-( so I'm using one of earlier in the day of Eva in her new high chair. Now the kittens have gone to their new homes (apart from Daisy who we're keeping) we can use the back room again. I tried her in it before when the kittens were still here, but they just kept jumping up at her little feet dangling down, so I gave up.
Jake went out to dinner with his mom straight from school, so he didn't open his prezzies and cards til he got back, when we also did his cake with candles. To be honest, I don't think he had a very good birthday but he said he didn't know why :-( his Nanny Ryder and Aunty Becky came round about 8ish to see him and he seemed to cheer up a little then.
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