Pursuit Of Happyness

By happyness

The end to another long day

Today, we got out nice and early, and walked over to the beach where we started our day by carrying our canoes from a lodge up the hill down to the beach. That was no easy task though. The handle on our canoe had broken, so we needed to lift it from the bottom. We finally got it down to the beach, and we were in the water. On our way out, we saw our first set of dolphins. They were so cute. As we got further out, the landscape got more and more beautiful. We stopped to rest and go for a swim and the water was gorgeous. I looked down with my snorkel gear, and saw all the way to the bottom very clearly. Afterwards, we had canoe battles. The guys went first, and than the girls. We got back in the canoes, and headed towards our lunch spot. We ate a quick lunch of sandwiches, and than took a little hike to this cliff. The instructor went first, and than another instructor soni took a dive. Afterwards some of the kids went, and than the leaders. I had gotten there late, and was very scared to jump, but after some peer pressure, I dove right in screaming "Cannonballlllllllll". We all headed back to the canoes, satisfied with all of our jumping. Once we got back, we hiked back up the hill with our canoes, and than took our van to a place called "paradise". We would come to realize later why it was called paradise, and my paradise started with this shot.

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