barking mad!

By mcd3

White water

A truly wild day weather wise ..... the wind picked up and the rain hammered down all day! Didnt feel too handy this morning .... took it easy then out and down to the coast to blow the cobwebs away ...and that it most certainly did!! I could hardly get out the car at Trigg! ....but then... just for a wee small moment ....the sun appeared and a bit of blue sky ....therefore I just had to go onto the actual beach and get a free exfoliation as the wind was whipping up big time! By the time I had left the beach ...the clouds were heavy, heavy, heavy and by the time I got to the car they had opened ..... a day to stay inside me thinks! (Saying that - Mr McD was attending at Stag do - on a boat - on the Swan River!! rather him than me many ways!!) He went out at 12 - it is now 8.40pm arrgh!

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