barking mad!

By mcd3


Allan (One of 365) phoned me last week wondering if I would like to take part in the "When youre a stranger" project - I accepted and received the camera on Friday. Oh so out of my comfort zone! colour!!, people- arrgh! and of course let not forget the complete stranger bit!

A visit up to Kings Park this morning as the Wildflower festival is on.... got there early to beat the crowds. Noticed a young man setting up a bush camp a clearing (as part of festival I may add!) Back to the car and got the said camera, picked up the courage to go and have a chat!

Zac (full name Gudathada Walker) and his family were charming and very olbiging! His is a Walkatjurra Ranger and is also plays a major part in organising the "Walking for Country" a 350km walk through the desert to promote awareness and stop sacred land being used for uranium mining. Oh and of course we then had a conversation about bark!! ....... just perfect!

Now who bagsies it next?

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