
By Photogen

Helicopter Ride

This morning the reception area of Cumbernauld Airport, north of Glasgow, was awash with people turning up for the ten minute thrill of a 'helicopter experience', flying over the spectacular scenery of the Campsie Hills and Carron Valley. After two miserable wet days the weather was glorious, with perfect visibility and azure blue skies.

Others were coming for the 30 minute hands-on light aircraft flight - the equivalent of a trial flying lesson. This offers the experience of actually taking control of a light aircraft at 4000 feet. Gift Experience Scotland offers dozens of ways of providing a safe and exciting taster of an extreme (and often expensive!) pastime. A great way of experiencing something that would be unobtainable in the normal run of things.

I took this shot from the cafe area through the window. This shows the procedure of accompanying the 'joy riders' to the helicopter and ensuring they are safely strapped in their seats so the pilot is ready for take-off in record time. You can see the palpable excitement on the face of his front passenger.

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