Happy Half-Birthday!
Our happy, smiley, gorgeous cuddly baby is six months old today! He can sit up unaided for short periods, rolls around the floor all over the place, wants to be in amongst the action with his sister and cousins and loves to get a smile out of just about anybody. He's a right wee chatterbox too, and we could swear that we've heard Mum, Dad and Orla from him already! When I told Orla it was Conor's half-birthday, she thought that meant we were going to have a full-on party. Er, no.
Orla's first drama lesson at the Scottish Youth Theatre today. It went very well, apart from the fact that they have a snack time and I hadn't given Orla a snack. I'll know for next week. They imagined that they were hairy berry beasties, that have wings, no arms, square red eyes, live in caves on a volcano and eat lava, apparently. They drew a picture of one and did some dancing, but no singing.
Orla has been telling me all about bacteria today. They are mostly good, but some of them are bad and these one cause a lot of trouble. They're called pathogens. Then she asked "what would happen if there were no germs?". I found that a bit tricky to answer, but she reassured me that I could just ask the computer. She also told me that bacteria multiply by doubling themselves, that they fix plants in the soil, they make yoghurt and they live in our digestive systems. She is much better at finding stuff out for herself on the iPad than I could ever be trying to teach her.
A late edit: Orla told me when we were cleaning her teeth that there was "a sad bit" at Skint Knees. "I tried to hold a bigger girl's hand and she said no. She had a red t-shirt on. She's mean." I explained that sometimes people might seem mean, but really they're not. Perhaps the girl was shy? "Her friends spoke to me and told me how she feels". Oh yes? "Yes. They said, she's mean."
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