All that jazz

By frankbrett

Changing my mind

I changed the photograph (uploaded one this afternoon originally). On an impulse, I went out this evening to catch the Sunset. There is nothing as spectacular here as a range of mountains or a beautiful coastline so it's another country scene.

Was half thinking of going down to London tomorrow for the Greenpeace rally about Arctic drilling. Not sure - as it's going to pee it down and I have things to do. See how I feel in the morning.

Yesterday was my last day at work for 3 and a half weeks (YESS!) - we are off to a cottage in Pembrokeshire for 2 weeks next weekend. There will be much photography, but maybe not much blipping depending on whether or not we can get any internet connection.

Found out this week that my team are going to be busy for a while yet, so I'm likely to keep my job into 2015 at least (but nothing is certain in the current climate). It would be great if I could see it out 'til my Pension kicks in - but that's a few years away :)

Some other Norfolk pics (see my previous blip) are now on Flickr here.

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