Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Old hands and young paws

The Girl Racer and I went up to see Aged P today. Time to have father and daughter quality time in the car.

Me: "Just so I'm clear, is this one of those journeys where you constantly criticise my driving all the way there or one of those day when you just shut the f**k up?"
GR: "It's not my fault you're a bad driver".

Anyway we had a nice time. I told her some of the famous insurance quote stories that used to circulate by paper in offices in the days before the internet was invented (if you young folk can imagine such a thing). My favourite then (and now) was "I saw a slow moving, sad faced old gentleman pass across the bonnet of my car".

Had a lovely brunch in Cabbages and Kings, this really is the best place to eat in the whole of Kent - in Halsted near Orpington. Aged P was as forgetful as ever but very happy to be out with us. Her cat was mannic but enjoyed sitting on her lap. I thought the contrast between her youthful paws and Aged P's graceful old hands made for a nice blip.

Shitty journey coming home. But movie night tonight - a family tradition with hot dogs, popcorn and a DVD projected on to a big screen...

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