
Hi there again!

So you see, I have almost found the milky way, or part of it anyway... So this is now the last weekend in the country during this summer, I quess. Had a lovely day, good but simple food and nice time with friends. We had a short trip by motorboat during the sunset, took some stunning scenes over the windy lake here, though the horizon was hard to keep right as there was so much waves... It has been a spectacularly wonderful day, warm and sunny, even 22c again, lake is 17c. And hot sauna, well it was 135c, a bit too much, but so relaxing as the world had already got dark... Under growing moon and it's bright moon river we were swimming.

A bright and quick satellite found in the night sky. reminds me of german Lena and Eurovision Song Contest. As I took the photo, standing with the tripod in the middle of the dark garden, Bats were flying over my head, making nice little sounds. I could not capture any of them, but trusted they will not fly on me in the darkness...

Take care,

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