A small sunday job

Thank you for your kind comments and stars for the adventure I had yesterday, and for the stars to the Auroras ;)!

My first child is grown up - today was her 18th birthday!
We had a late breakfast, all kind of delicates, eggs, bacon, waffles, jam and whipping cream, orange juice etc to celebrate her. Nothing more than a small walk at noon today as this young birthday lady has her first part of the matriculation examination tomorrow, chemistry, and so she mainly has prepared and studied today. A long day for her...

I feel myself young, even I have back, knee and ankle problems already - and just wonder how my little girl can be an adult now: I remember of course the time she was new born, that little blond elf looking prinsess, beautiful baby, and how the whole world changed to yellow colour as she came to the world - or maybe just due the first freezing cold night that autumn.

Well, no cold weather yet this year, but extremely warm winds and sunny. I made a "small sunday job": cut the trees beside the fence and carried branches to the forest nearby. My son helped me do clean the driveway afterwards. Quite a hard job, even though quite relaxing one. Took few hours and 2litres water to drink: +20c or maybe more in sunny spots like this.

Now the world is darkened for night, and I am heading to hot sauna.
See you later, alligators!

Just so lovely sunday anyway - Hope you had one too!

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