Bristol Student

By MayGreene

Today, after mr. Greene got back from his driving lesson we made a start on his Harris tweed bag. By 5 we had finished, with a few alterations, and he seems pleased. I am pleased that he has learnt a new and invaluable skill.
In the evening we went up to the bfi and saw a wonderful film called the chess players and afterwards went to dinner with his father. We two got the train home and I asked him if he wanted me to go home tomorrow. He said no.
"I've got used to having you around."
I thought that was a sweet thing to say. He then followed it up with
"Well you get used to anything eventually. If my foot got cut off eventually I would get used to it."
I then scalded him slightly for ruining a romantic gesture, and we realised that he is just an unromantic overall.
But I am wrong. In the right situations when we are together he is the kindest, sweetest and most different person I could imagine. I thought about mentioning this to him, but he would probably find a way to ruin those moments too.
No, I'm happy to put up with cynicism, his disbelief in love and romance, to keep the sweet boy who shows up from time to time, and who I like to think is always there... Somewhere.

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