Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


A still morning with clearing weather, ment the midge was armed and ready. A morning walk along the shore and breakfast at the seashore again.

I managed an early morning swim, it was great. We decided to do a hill that we thought would have the best views. A wee drive north and off we go. This time all four of us we on the hill.

I was away with my pal who he had taken me ot the hills when I was in my 20's his friend Andy just back from East Timor doing aid work and Richard a rerired school teacher from the peak district. I was the youngster as they had all met at university 40 years ago. The chat was great and I switched around to get a chance to chat to them on the hill and over the 3 days.

We were spot on with the hill, the 360 degree view was stunning, I had forgotten how good the view was.

We stayed at the top just looking around and just soaking it all in.

A game of cricket at the car park and we set off home, Richard satying for a couple more days up North. A great drive home of views and only 2 lunitics trying to overtake as we came towards them.

Nice to be back with the family.

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