
By Barbarella

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Elvis is IN the building, ha ha and no I haven't been on the gin or wine ....yet! He is a waiter at the hotel and very nice he is too - he had a bit of a disaster on the terrace as the cutlery drawer broke and all the contents fell out. Made a bit of a clatter on the tiles! Good breakfast again today.

Went on a walking guided tour around the town today and learnt some interesting facts about the area. Went for a coffee afterwards with another couple. Two coffees cost €2.50. Bargain. Haven't bought any scarves yet :(

Having a lazy afternoon now - I just watched a film (Quartet) and hubby had a doze. Also planning what we are going to do for the rest of the week. Definitely going on a glass bottomed boat around the harbour. Lovely walks along the marina and we are going to walk to Es Castell one day this week, all along the sea front. No cruise ships today, just the ferry.

Saw some huge shiny motor cruisers moored alongside the harbour, wonder who they belong to?

This is me reading on the balcony although the view is a bit of a distraction!

Soon be time for dinner again, could get used to this.

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