
By Barbarella

View from Balcony

Beautiful start to the day with a Silversea Silver Wind cruise ship entering the harbour this morning. Went down for breakfast which was lovely and plentiful. Well impressed as they had my red bush tea available! Plus the local supermarket sold oat milk! Result,

Walked into town twice (I had left my phone in the hotel room and had to go back!) visited the market and bought the obligatory fridge magnet and a fan as it is so hot here. Sign on pharmacist said it was 35 degrees. Phew!

Had to have an ice cream of course. Even though one was flavoured gin and tonic, managed to resist this one. Must say, preferred those from Lake Garda.

Went to the gin distillery this afternoon for free tasting. Not to Mike's liking at all. I had to try a few, as the first was disgusting and after six or seven, found one I liked! Ha ha. It was Creme de Cafe.

Chilled around the pool this afternoon (water was quite warm for a change) and then sat on balcony and the watched the boats coming and going. Found a closer supermarket just up,the road so replenished the water and wine supplies!

Just ready for dinner now - last nights buffet was lovely!

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