Just the Withers......

By JaneW

You either love it or hate it..

IKEA... I am a fan ... Not as much as the grandson ... It was like a day out at a play park for him and he was spurred on by Lucy who showed him how to test everything ... You really don't need a theme park for a two year old when you have Ikea just up the road .
We went looking for a desk for Mr W but he knows what he is looking for and non of those in Ikea were quite right.
Now here is a cautionary tale for the kids .. When an adult says do your shoelace up DO IT ... Guess what happened to Lucy ... She refused to do her shoe lace up and it got sucked up by the escalator ... She fell over but luckily as it was getting churned up I kicked her foot and the end of the lace appeared .. The red button to stop the machine was not in reach hence me kicking her first ... Anyway she didn't get weepy or anything but she did agree that next time I say do that lace up she will do it !

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