
By Transitoire


So my birthday, more than a week ago? Well I finally got my presents from my family in the form of a smartphone from my parents, and a lovely new watch which everyone else had contributed money to. It is a thing of beauty, I will probably use it at some point as an emergency blip , very simple lines and a simple face. In its simplicity it becomes beautiful I guess is the best way to put it. Anyways, definitely a little in love with it!

Was strange, in a way, walking around Southport town centre. In the town where I have called home all of my life the streets have not changed, but the shops have…and with it, the atmosphere. It still gives off an air of prosperity, but at the same time there seems to be a hint of desperation to the whole thing. Admittedly the town itself is beautiful, but Southport is what it is, a seaside town with not too much tourism, with everyone (including myself and my family) preferring to go out to Liverpool for the day, or to shop, because there is just so much more to do.

Anyways, enough about that, this is my mum sewing while the cat decides to join the party! This is pretty much a summing up of how mum spends her afternoons when the sun is shining, as we have full length windows at the back of the house, so it is lovely and warm to sit there even if it is a little colder outside. And the cat, well, she loves company and she loves comfort and she loves the sunshine…so of course that means she can share a chair with mum even if she probably takes up half of it herself.

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