
By antipodean


This photo kind of creeps me out a bit, but the other one I took is even creepier. I'm not sure what the artist was intending when they put the images up but they've definitely succeeded in terrifying me!

In complete contrast to yesterday, I was extremely productive today. I had an appointment with a dietician first thing so Dad and I went into the city for that. I'm now on a restrictive diet that is going to make life a bit difficult for a while but which hopefully will solve some long term problems. I can't eat some of my favourite foods though, which is a bit sad!

When we got home we almost immediately had to go back out to the supermarket because there wasn't anything in the house that I could eat. Again, so sad. After lunch, which was actually very nice even though my toast was spelt toast because I can't eat wheat, I headed around to FareShare to do my first research interview. I think it went well but I'm a bit worried because the interview was a lot shorter than I thought it would be. I think as long as the quality of the interview is good then I'll be okay.

After I got home from FareShare I decided to go and get the photos for my folios printed so I can look over them and choose which ones I definitely want to use. I wanted to see how they look printed out and also how they look at the required size. I think I've got some really good ones, and I have enough to choose from that I should be able to pick out the best. I did spend half an hour wandering around Officeworks waiting for the photos, so apologies to everyone who got my crazy snapchats, I was really bored.

I like but don't love this photo - I'm irritated that the images are wonky on the wall so it looks like I took a wonky photo. Apart from that I do like it, and I had even more issues with the other photo, so I'm glad I got quite a good photo for today.

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