Bees on Pink

I've been waiting all summer for the butterflies to show up. The Monarchs...and the swallowtails. At this point...I'd even settle for some Skippers (moths.)

I glanced out my back window at my butterfly bush. The flowers are now mostly brown, with just a few splashes of purple left. But, I did see 2 butterflies. To be precise...2 white cabbages.

I shouldn't complain...but where's the color? White...white...white! I NEED COLOR!!

I still took a few pictures, and then headed out back. The bees were plentiful. Big ones, medium ones, tiny ones. I chose the big fellas...zooming in with a 4x close-up filter.

I'm a lot better than I used to be, but I still don't like it when a bee gets annoyed, and buzzes your ear...buzzes your you a warning that you're too close. The move gives me the shivers.

Flowers fading fast...trees starting to turn...temperatures dropping. (Sigh.)

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