Transit day today. Met up with S late this morning, well, late our morning, quite early in his, it seemed. Handed over a last couple of bits and said goodbye, then headed off to Malvern.
Weather was atrocious. Wet, dull, dreary, and the spray making visibility difficult. One headlamp bulb died; fitted the spare, then the other one died. This seems to happen every time - someone's managed to set a finite lifetime of these bulbs very accurately; or am I being cynical?
With a brief period of TUOP we eventually found the B&B, a large Victorian chunk of Malvern stone with more rooms than you can throw a key at, but one of the oddest of building layouts. Sure there are portals here...
Found this fella lurking under the table.
Bed. Zonk.
* "Temporarily Uncertain Of Position".
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