
By Sydney

Applesauce day!

Today we made applesauce in both my classes, morning and afternoon. The children instructed me on what to do: "First peel 'em, then make applesauce", "No no, no ya havta cut them, THEN make applesauce" "No! You have to sauce them first!" So it took a while as we added some new vocabulary to our repertoire and used the peelings to make shapes while they waited for me to follow their directions--I love it when they become exasperated in these situations as though I am purposely being obtuse. Then it was time to measure and take turns adding the cider for simmering, the honey for sweetness and cinnamon for a kick. Into the skillet it went, all crunchy and choppy and sticky and sweet, to begin it's skeptically anticipated transformation to sauciness.

While the bubbling performed its magic indoors, we scampered outside to await the feast. The sun was shining making long shadows on the grass of our play field, even I enjoyed it :) as it's warmth was comforting. We could smell the apples and cinnamon calling us back inside but it wasn't time yet. One of my coworkers remarked we were like the 3 bears going on an outing waiting for our porridge to cool :)

When we returned to our treat indoors the distinct Autumn scent reminded that it's almost 'To Kill A Mockingbird time', cuddled up with a cup of tea and blanket. I do love Autumn. A season for new beginnings and winding downs. A season that offers warmth contrasted with soft kind of coolness, not yet biting but reminding you to purchase tissues for your winter nose and gather logs in for the fire. A season to simmer apples with nutmeg and cinnamon for supper with a small knob of butter to float and stream down the spoon-left valleys.

I am feeling peaceful and happy. I hope this blip finds you that way, too.

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