
By Purplepants

My new toy...

Well, domestic machine really - pretty boring blip -but my life just got quite a bit easier again...
It arrived this morning. I recommend Curry's for total efficiency; tracked and delivered when they said, old one out new one unpacked and put in place in a matter of minutes.

SORRY - for getting behind on comments - I have realised that I have missed more than one or two of some people's :-( Will make serious efforts over the w/e to visit everyone properly.

I have done Spring cleaning in September today! (Maybe I think I'm in Australia - confused by blips of daffodils and tulips.)
I gave the downstairs a serious going over as it is months since I have been really thorough. Very therapeutic. I feel much better.

Mr PP's turn to feel shattered and a bit down so we went to the pub whilst Alex was at Explorers. Patted the pub dog, said hello to familiar faces, a few beers/ginger beers later we felt lots better. It is the week-end after all!
Have a good one!

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