Phone Photo Rookie

By JennyT

Ice Cream Friday

Foiled by rain.

The weather has been pretty decent this week. M packed up a picnic dinner and the bikes, picked up G at school and met me at a state park that is fairly close to where I work. When we arrived, it started raining.

G was in quite a state, mad that she missed ice cream with her friends (a Friday tradition) and we didn't even get to do our family event. When we got back into town, I took her to ice cream, even though the after school crowd had come and gone.

In fun news, Q's back to school picture made it to the Blip Blog! Wow, I feel like a real blipper now! Thanks to my friend, ThatsNice for alerting me!

The ironic thing is that now Quinn is crying a lot. Not sure if it is totally connected to school or not, but we are pulling back on his transition to school. For the last week he's been at home with his dad, crying throughout the day, wanting me. I figure he has figured out that I'm not at home with him all day long anymore. Anyway, we are in no rush since he is so little. He seems ready in every other way, but not emotionally. We'll try again for a start in a few months.

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